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Approved Lloyds Service Supplier - Photoluminescent Low Location Lighting (LLL) Testing & Measurement

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On Board Luminance Measurement Service of Photoluminescent Low Location Lighting (LLL) System

Marine Lite Ltd. is proud to announce that it is now an Approved Lloyds Service Supplier for the onboard luminescent testing of PL (Photoluminescent) LLL Systems.

Photoluminescent Low Location Lighting (LLL)  Testing and Measurement

  • This service is executed on board by our qualified technicians according to the ISO 15370:2010 standards.
  • Our technicians are able to travel worldwide to enable you to meet the classification bodies requirements in a fast and cost effective way
  • The inspection and measurement reports on photoluminescent LLL systems are mandatory according to IMO resolution A.752(18)
  • These guidelines take into account the Approval, Installation and Maintenance of LLL required by regulations II-2/28, paragraph 1.10 and II-2/41-2, paragraph 4.7 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended, on all passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers, to readily identify the passengers route of escape when the normal emergency lighting is less than effective due to smoke.